Make Life Easier Series Part One – What to Wear

What to Wear

Products and Services to Make Life Easier – What to Wear

In today’s time starved world, we are all looking for ways to make life easier and what to wear is one of them.  “Life Hacks” are rampant on Pinterest – but there are a few areas in your life you really don’t want to hack.  Instead, you would rather have someone who has vetted the product before you spend your hard-earned cash.

This is the first in a three part series on products/services to make your life easier.  And, I can say I have tried them all with success.  The series will cover areas of your life that can require a lot of time and effort – meals, finances and what to wear.What to Wear - Make Life Easier

Getting Dressed in the Morning a.k.a. What to Wear?

When you look at your closet first thing in the morning and don’t have a clue what to wear, it can be a rude start to your day.  Wouldn’t it be nice if someone would give you a formula for outfits and accessories and all you have to do is match this with what you already own?  Or if you feel like buying something you can, but you would have a handy list in various price points to choose from.  Well, such a product exists.  It is called the GYPO Style Challenge.

The Style Challenge gives you a list of items to pull from your closet (or purchase – so you have a targeted list rather than just buying whatever) and create a month’s worth of outfits from it.  Each outfit has a “formula” you can use as a springboard for your own creativity.  It is a lot of fun and I feel like my wardrobe has grown even while spending less money on it (because I finally know how to pair items together to create different outfits).

Style Challenge = Shopping Lists and Clothing Formulas for What to Wear

The GYPO Style Challenge provides you with a prioritized shopping list.  The list is prioritized by how many times you wear a piece, so if you have limited funds you can spend them wisely.  If you want, you can even shop thrift stores which make revamping your wardrobe super inexpensive.  In other words, you get to call the shots on how much you spend or even IF you spend (because you can totally shop your closet).

Each seasonal challenge gives you a list of classics and on-trend items, so you have items to wear with no more guesswork.  Genius, right?  The best part is you also have access to the previous year’s seasonal challenge.  This gives you a total of two months of not having to worry about what to wear!   Currently, there are two capsules available for Fall – the General and the Work Wear Capsule.  If you would like to learn more, just click Style Challenges or on the pictures above and below.

What to Wear - Make Life Easier

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How do Style Challenges Work?

I have happily used this product for a year now (participated in four challenges – one per quarter) and love it.  Someone recently called Alison Lumbatis, the founder of GYPO, the Dave Ramsey of Fashion.  Like Dave Ramsey, she is about doing more with less.  You buy less over time because you wear the same items but pair them up in new ways.  In this video, she explains exactly how the Style Challenge’s work.

So, what do you think? Have you tried a capsule wardrobe or a product such as this? Please let me know in the comments below.  I am always looking for ways to make my life (and yours) easier.  If you want to learn more about capsule wardrobes, check out this article on finding a wardrobe that works for you.

Did you enjoy this post?  If so, don’t forget to share it on Pinterest.  

Make Life Easier – Do you need some easy fashion outfits and ideas when you are wondering what to wear? Review of the GYPO Style Challenge Product and how a capsule wardrobe can make getting ready a breeze.

While you are here, make sure you grab your copy of the "Self-Care Mini-Guide" to help you figure out how to add self-care to your daily life. Just click the link Loveselfcare Self-Care Mini-Guide to download your guide!  

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