Men have “Rocky”, Now We have “Wonder Woman”
How many times have you watched “Rocky” or one of the sequels? For my husband and I, the answer is more times than we can count. While the music and story inspires me, I never feel like it is MY story. For years, men saw themselves as Rocky climbing the stairs in Philadelphia and training their hearts out. Now, women can envision themselves as Wonder Woman training to be a warrior in a mythical island paradise. A warrior who is larger than life and a super hero, thanks to the new “Wonder Woman” movie. Now, finally it is our turn.
The hype around this film had me excited to watch it with my almost teen daughters. I’m happy to report, my expectations for this movie were not only met but greatly exceeded. This is the type of film, where you find yourself saying, “WOW.” “Wonder Woman”, directed by Patty Jenkins, is that kind of fantasy/action adventure movie. Take a peek at the “Wonder Woman” trailer here.
What You Will Get from Watching “Wonder Woman”:
(1) An escape from the day-to-day – This movie is a feast for the eyes and senses. You will feel transported to several different places and times. I don’t want to give away any of the storyline, but there were times when my jaw dropped and my daughters said frequently during the show “This is the best movie ever!”. If you watch the trailer above, you will see what I mean. This movie perfectly fits the bill of an escape from reality movie.
(2) Inspiration – You probably know the basic storyline if you are familiar with the “Wonder Woman” comics or TV show with Lynda Carter. While this movie could have ended up to be cheesy or ridiculously unbelievable, it proved to be the polar opposite. As unlikely as it sounds, by the end you do believe there is a Wonder Woman out there. And, her genuine desire to do the right thing is a message which is very necessary in our world today.
(3) A heroine you can relate to – Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman makes the role believable which can be a stretch in a fantasy film. Gadot is a gorgeous woman, but it was her impressive command of the role and her transformation from a naive innocent to a fierce warrior which had me cheering her on. How many times have we seen the woman play the helpless victim who needs to be rescued or makes a dumb decision where the hero has to save her? The role reversal here where she is the heroine of the story and a true leader of men is what made me want to applaud. She is quite capable of taking care of herself, thank you very much.
(4) Male/female partnership redefined – Chris Pine, as Steve Trevor, does an excellent job balancing being the leading man and a hero in his own right with the demands of keeping up with Wonder Woman. The best part of his role in the film is while he wants to protect her, he quickly realizes the situation is reversed and he respects her for it. One of my favorite parts of the film is the relationship between the two of them, and how they work together to achieve their aim.
Why “Wonder Woman” is recommended viewing for females both young and old –
Wonder Woman is inspirational, uplifting, and can I just say she is a bad ass? Watching this movie, you feel great about being female and your definition of SELF has just expanded in terms of what you are capable of doing in this world. My daughters eyes were opened by seeing a girl be a super hero. And, they certainly want to emulate her as they both want to be her for Halloween. I completely understand and we may have to see if we can get a costume for me as well.
We have all seen plenty of women be Wonder Woman in their own right just by making it through the day. Hopefully, there will be a sequel because we could all use a little more Diana Prince AKA Wonder Woman’s inspiration in our lives.
If you have seen it, please share your thoughts!
*Note to Moms – This movie is not for little kids. There is violence in the film, although it is not gory. It is rated PG-13 for this reason.
Critics Reviews:
- “The moviegoing world deserves the best that Hollywood can deliver, and this time we’ve pretty much got it.” Joe Morgenstern, Wall Street Journal
“An indifferent box office promises to get a lift from a genuinely novel protagonist as enigmatic as she is compelling.” Ann Hornaday, Washington Post
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