Escape with “The Crown” TV Show

"The Crown" TV Show

Are you ready to escape to England with “The Crown”? “The Crown” is inspired by true events and the lives and history of Queen Elizabeth, Prince Philip, Princess Margaret and their family.

“The Crown” TV series is a Netflix original which premiered in 2016 with Season 1, 2017 with Season 2, and after a 2 year wait – Season 3 (with a whole new cast) premiered in late 2019.

Peter Morgan is the creator of the “The Crown” which expertly depicts Elizabeth’s life from before she became Queen through the 1950’s during Seasons 1 and 2. The third season will cover the time period of 1963 to 1977 in Queen Elizabeth’s life.

The Characters

Queen Elizabeth

Seasons 1 and 2 feature Claire Foy as Queen Elizabeth and she is a joy to watch. She plays the role very close to what we publicly know about Queen Elizabeth. Through her portrayal she also gives us a glimpse into how the Queen might feel about things. Using the tools of her craft, including her face, mannerisms and speech- including what she does and does not say she lets us understand why she may appear reserved.

Prince Philip

Matt Smith plays Prince Philip in the first two seasons. His portrayal is also taken from the public facts we know about Prince Philip and then imbued with meaning from his remarkable acting. As an audience we begin to understand why he does what he does and the motivation behind those actions.

The Supporting Cast

All of the other characters for “The Crown” are either supporting or main characters depending on the episode. They include Princess Margaret (Vanessa Kirby), Winston Churchill (John Lithgow), The Queen Mother (Victoria Hamilton), and King George VI (Jared Harris) for Seasons 1 and 2.

They all provide the framework for telling the story of this part of the royal family and they do a superb job. Winston Churchill and Anthony Eden (Jeremy Northam) as politicians who interact with the Queen and portray the powers that be that shape Elizabeth and her families lives. Both sides of the coin – Queen and Prime Minister rely upon the other to do what is best for England.

History Behind “The Crown”

The historical events play a huge part in the series. In fact, each episode usually focuses on one main event or milestone in the Royal Families’ lives. “The Crown” does such a good job with the dramatic elements of these historical moments you never feel like you are watching a documentary.

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England and Scotland Play a Major Role

The locations of England and Scotland play a large role in the feel of the show. The on location filming, along with the costumes, period detail on the sets, etc. help to make you feel like you really are there at that time in history. The attention to detail is wonderful especially when you consider the amount of ground covered as the years go by for the Royal Family.

Reasons to watch now

This is a show to watch or binge soon, especially if you haven’t seen the first two seasons yet. Season 3 has now officially been released on Netflix and is available to view.

“The Crown” is an excellent historical drama and has received critical acclaim and awards. For more information on episodes, awards won, and the actual credits you can find details on Netflix – The Crown.

While the Royal Family may be depicted in the press as not having any feelings, you can infer a great deal from seeing the characters played with such depth on exactly how human they all are. Long live the Queen indeed! And, let’s hope “The Crown” continues for many seasons too.

Season One Trailer – “The Crown”

The Crown” – Season Two Trailer

Season Three Trailer – “The Crown”

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