How to Manage the Chaos – Help with Organizing

How to Manage the Chaos

How to Manage the Chaos – Help with Organizing

Do you ever just feel like you are barely, just barely able, to manage the chaos in your home?  In this instance, we are talking about the chaos of stuff. 

Most of us are blessed with a multitude of things.  We certainly aren’t suffering from a lack perspective and for that we need to be thankful. 

But, at some point, it feels like the stuff has taken over your life, right?  Like you spend as much time trying to figure out what to do with it all as you actually spend using the items.

Or, you find yourself doing things like moving piles of stuff around or putting them in bins.  My husband calls this “shifting chairs on the Titanic”. 

Where do you even begin?  With help from some experts, which I am clearly not.

Organizing Help to Manage the Chaos

Organizing from the Inside Out, second edition: The Foolproof System For Organizing Your Home, Your Office and Your Life

In this book, organizing expert Julie Morgenstern outlines the reasons why you need a system for organizing your things.  This helps you to begin with the right goals in mind, so you don’t find yourself in a mess again.

When Organizing Isn’t Enough: SHED Your Stuff, Change Your Life

Sometimes the problem isn’t a matter of organizing, it is a matter of having too much stuff.  Morgenstern helps you to declutter and get rid of things you don’t need once and for all.

One year to an organized life

What if a year from now your home looked completely different than it does now?  Imagine your home clean, orderly, and organized.  Regina Leeds book is the one to walk you through how to make that happen, step by step.

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What’s a Disorganized Person to Do?

Professional organizer Stacey Platt walks you through how to organize different areas of your house in this book.  The book has lots of illustrations and inspiration for ways to make your home be more organized.  Lots of how-to’s in this book as well.

31 Days To A Clutter Free Life: One Month to Clear Your Home, Mind & Schedule

Ruth Soukup has a very popular website “Living Well Spending Less“.  She wrote the book “31 Days” above as well as the book “Unstuffed”.  The LWSL website also has challenges on decluttering that will give you a different area to focus on each day for a month.

If you are looking for systems to keep your home organized, you might want to check out the  The Flylady has systems for every area of your house and she is fun!  She also picks a particular zone for you to work on each month to continue to make improvements every month.

Quick Wins on Managing the Chaos

1 – Create a system for handling things (especially anything new coming into your home – papers, mail, etc.)

2 – Get rid of your excess stuff

3 – Make a plan to get out of the mess you are in – set goals and deadlines

4 – Organize areas one at a time – don’t try to do it all at once

5 – Find a long-term process that works for you to remain decluttered

So, where do you struggle the most?  For me in trying to manage the chaos, it is our kids rooms and arts and crafts area.  Let me know in the comments below! 

If you are looking for ways to make time to declutter and organize, see “How to Manage Your Time” and “How to Achieve Your Goals“.  Good luck with your project!

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