Take Care of You – Physically

Take Care of You - Physically

Take Care of You – Physically

Why do you need to take care of you physically too?  Women especially need to go to the doctor, dentist, etc. regularly to make sure we are taking care of us too.  We are good about setting the appointments for everyone else in the family and then neglecting our own health.  I can promise you that your family wants you to also take care of you so you can be around for a long time.  Today’s ounce of prevention really is worth a pound of cure.  There are many diseases when caught early enough can be cured today and we are very lucky.  All we have to do is play our part and actually GO.

Checklist of Appointments Women Need:

Yearly Physical

Your doctor should take all of your vitals, your weight, order any necessary blood work, review any medicines or supplements you are taking, etc.

Yearly Flu Shot

Always a good idea to get one to protect yourself but also any children or elderly people you may be around with “herd immunity”.

Yearly Mammogram

When I went for my first ever exam at age 40, they found something that required me to have a biopsy.  The results of that determined I am in the high risk group coupled with my family history of my grandmother and aunt having breast cancer.  I am just fine right now because I went and had my mammogram done and remain vigilant.  Please go!

Yearly Gynecological Exam

Nobody enjoys this, but it is also important to your health.  Just go and get it over with.  You can complain about it later.

Dental Cleanings

Every six months – Also no fun (I’m noticing a theme here – hey health professionals can you up the fun factor please?), but necessary for a bunch of reasons.  No one wants to end up with false teeth do they?

Eye Doctor

If you manage to avoid this for years due to 20/20 eyesight, don’t worry your time is coming!  Cross the 40 mark and your eyesight may start to get a little dodgy and you need those unattractive reader glasses.

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These are the bare minimum you should consider to keep your health in check.  For a full list, please see “Health Tests Every Woman Needs“.  Just plan a day to schedule these out for the year and then actually make the appointments when they arise.  You will feel so much better after each clean bill of health you receive.  And, even if you find out something not so nice, hopefully our being proactive will be in our favor.  To your health!

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