Meditation in 5 Easy Steps is Your Path to Calm

Meditation in 5 Easy Steps

Meditation in 5 Easy Steps is Your Path to Calm

When you mention meditation to most people, they get a concerned look on their face.  A look like are you are going to make me sit on the hard ground, with my legs in a pretzel position for hours on end, smelling incense and unwashed feet? 

The answer to all of these is no, unless you want to, of course!  Learning meditation in 5 easy steps really can be done and it won’t require you to step very far outside of your comfort zone.

You being calm is a great way to practice self-care.  It is hard when stress to sometimes see how to get from stressed to calm.  Meditation can be done as simply as the following to begin.

Meditation in 5 Easy Steps (Your Path to Calm) Begins here:

Step One

Choose Your Location – Meditation can be done anywhere.  You don’t need any fancy equipment or a particular setting to do it.  You just need to bring you and an open mind. 

Anyplace you can find a little peace and quiet will do.  Your car, the back porch, your bedroom, your office with the door closed, outside, walking to work, etc.

Step Two

Breathe – Meditation can be as simple (or complex depending on how you look at it) as following your breathing wherever you are.  The trick is to notice your breath – each inhale and exhale.  If you want to go deeper on this, see “Just Breathe – Breathing Exercises for Beginners“.

Step Three

Notice Your Thoughts – You may think your thoughts have control over you,  but they are really just thoughts.  My yoga teacher, Jerilee Lucas of Esoteric Yoga, said it best “Your thoughts are like clouds.  You can watch your thoughts come and go, but you don’t have to be overly concerned by them.  They are just clouds.  You are the blue sky.”

Step Four

Use Your 5 Senses – To bring yourself back to the present moment, focus on what is happening right now.  Pay attention to your five senses – Sight, Sound, Feel, Smell and Taste.   Look around, what do you see in front of you?  What do you hear?  What are you sitting on at this moment or what does the ground feel like under your feet if you are walking?  Do you notice any particular smell?  How about taste?  The more you immerse yourself in your five senses, the more you are in the present moment.

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Step Five

Come Back to The Present Moment – From “Invitation to Meditation” by Howard Cohn, “In reality you never leave the present moment.  You’re always here.  You’re never not here.  You only imagine you leave the present moment.”  Our imagining of the past and things we would like to change or of the future and worries about what we can control are what take us out of the present moment.

You can practice being in the present moment anywhere and anytime.  Whenever you feel yourself living in your imagination of the future or the past, just bring yourself back to the present with these techniques and you are experiencing one form of meditation.  With practice you will find you are able to be in the present more and can control your emotions and thoughts better.  You will be in control of your thoughts and emotions rather the other way around.

I am sorry (not sorry) that this was not more difficult.  I know it seems deceptively simple, but it really does work and can make you feel more calm in a few minutes.  Please let me know how this process works for you.

Resources for further reading on Meditation Practices:

Invitation to Meditation: How to Find Peace Wherever You Are Hardcover – March 15, 2016
by Howard Cohn (Author), Jack Kornfield (Foreword) 

“Invitation to Meditation” is a great introduction and quick win if you are just getting started!

How to Meditate: An Illustrated Guide to Calming the Mind and Relaxing the Body Paperback – September 30, 2000 by Paul Roland (Author)

Meditation Secrets for Women: Discovering Your Passion, Pleasure, and Inner Peace Paperback – January 23, 2001 by Camille Maurine (Author), Lorin Roche (Author)

Whole Body Meditations : Igniting Your Natural Instinct to Heal Paperback – April 6, 2002
by Lorin Roche (Author)

Are you ready to try your own Meditation in 5 Easy Steps practice? Let me know how it goes in the comments below.  Enjoy!

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5 Easy Steps to Meditation

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