Enjoy These 7 Printable Easter Games and Activities for Kids (and Adults too)

Are you struggling to find something fun for your whole family to do this Easter season? If so, we’ve got you covered with these fun printable Easter games and activities for all ages!

The Easter printable pages and activities include games and worksheets designed to liven up your Easter celebration. With lots of Easter printable games in this Easter Printable Game Pack (see the list below) we guarantee a festive atmosphere in your home no matter what age group you have.

There are activities perfect for every age in this Easter pack (from adults who want to compete to children eager to finish the word scramble or coloring sheets). Plus, all of these games and printable worksheets can be printed off quickly and easily at home.

With this done for you printable pack, all you need to do is download the file and get ready for a fun Easter Sunday with your loved ones.

You can celebrate at home and create memories that will last beyond Cadbury eggs (and chocolate bunnies). With our uniquely designed printable Easter games, the whole family can join in on the Easter fun.

What kind of printable Easter games are included in this Easter bundle?

All of these printable Easter activities can be used before or after your Easter dinner to keep the young and older kids entertained. The Easter Games and Worksheets Printable Pack include the following items below.

Printable Easter Games

Easter Charades

A fun game to keep kids of all ages busy guessing what each word is like the classic game of Charades. You decide if you want the group to divide into teams or do it individually.

Easter Alphabet Game

This is a fun way to see who can come up with an Easter related word for every letter of the alphabet.

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Easter Scavenger Hunt for Easter Themed Items

Look for items either inside or outside the house depending on the weather (may require a little pre-planning on your part to make sure items are available).

Easter Coloring Pages

You can keep the little kids entertained with these while they are waiting either before or after a meal.

Easter Themed Word Scramble

This word scramble has some easy to unscramble words. But, just in case, there is an answer key included too.

Easter Bunny Letters

Are you looking for an extra special touch to your Easter baskets this year? There are four different Easter Bunny Letter designs to choose from included in this pack.

These Easter Bunny Letter designs are the perfect way to add a personal touch to your Easter baskets. Since you know your child or grandchild like no one else does, you can write a special note describing their current interests.

The letters can make your Easter morning more fun for them as they discover their own message from the Easter Bunny. Young children will enjoy finding the letter addressed to them at the same time they find what other surprises are hiding in their basket.

You can also use the Easter Bunny letters as a calling card from the Easter Bunny and attach it to the Easter Basket. Or, you can have your children write a letter to the Easter bunny using these cute letters too. They can tell the Easter Bunny whatever they would like.

Easter Basket Gift Tags

And, if you’re looking for the perfect finishing touch to add to your Easter baskets, then these Easter gift tags are just what you need. These tags feature cheerful designs you can personalize with fun messages to bring a smile to your loved one’s face.

Either the Gift Tags or the Easter Bunny Letters will make your Easter presents look even more picture perfect this year. It doesn’t matter what size or shape of basket, just print the Easter Gift Tags out on cardstock or thicker paper. Then you just need to attach them with a ribbon to whatever you would like.

Another way you can use the egg art is to recreate the designs when creating your own Easter eggs. You can then decorate them with paint, stickers, or other embellishments.

Make Your Easter Easier with these Printable Easter Games and Ideas

The goal is to use all of the above Easter printables to make your life easier. So use these fun Easter activities to make the most of the Easter Holiday this year. Enjoy some quality time together and start making memories that will last a lifetime with these printable pages.

To purchase your copy of the printable Easter games pack, just click the buy now button to learn more. Once you purchase, you will be able to download our Easter Printable Pages almost immediately to let the festivities begin! All files are a downloadable digital file (pdf) and for personal use only.

Happy Easter!

Looking for other printable games for your holiday celebrations? Check out “7 Fun Gratitude Printable Worksheets and Games for Your Family’s Thanksgiving Celebration to make your holiday even easier.

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